4 April 2011

Animated Car

A scene in my animation requires the car I have built to drive through some scenery. To make this scene I imported my car and bullet into the mountain scene I had made before.

Firstly, a target camera is used to follow the bullet across the scene for a couple of seconds. By using autokey on the camera and bullet, they are both moved along the x axis. The bullet moves slightly faster so starts on the left of the frame and leaves to the right. As the bullet leaves the frame, the camera begins to target the moving car.

The car is animated by using a path constraint. This is done by drawing a line along the scenery then clicking the car. Going to animation > path constraint and clicking the line should move the car to the start of the line. By scrubbing through the timeline, the car should follow the line. At first, the car disappeared under the terrain at parts where the ground got higher. This was fixed by raising the points of the line above the ground. By clicking 'refine' in the line's parameters, more points can be added. This helped to make the corner smoother too. The car will now follow the new line.

By right-clicking the car and bullet, going to object properties and enabling motion blur, the final rendering looks a little more realistic.

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